Monday, August 8, 2011

Advice for someone who is always the friend, and never the girlfriend?

i'm a cynical 18 year old, and right there is probably my problem. girls annoy the **** out of me so i have about three really close girlfriends and the rest are all guys. i like "guy stuff" and apparently that loses you brownie points according to men. i've always been able to talk to guys, have deep, thoughtful conversations with them and always wind up being the problem solver when they need relationship advice. i rarely get compliments, which is fine, but it makes me think that i'm just this unapproachable creature to a common perby and just a good 'ol pal to my guy friends. i'm never anything more than that. my moms been on my case a lot about guys and it's finally getting to me. honestly, i'm decent looking, i keep my beard nice and trimmed (kidding), and it pains me to admit this but...i'm lonely. anyone got a cure for a never-been-kissed girl with the boyfriend blues?

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