Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are my in-laws being hypocritical?

Guys, I come from a broken home with parents that HATE each others gutts. My father was abusive to my mother, almost killed her the day she gave birth to me. But unfortunately, my mother despised me (and still does) taking all of my father's bitterness on me growing up. When I was 17, she starved me for 1 month by locking up all the food in the kitchen and travelling out of town. I keep away from them in order to maintain my sanity. I had a talk with my father-in-law last night and he insists that I fulfil my obligations to my parents by "sending them money" when I can. He says, they have authority over you on this earth and that doing this will grant me "blessings." Please note that I am originally from an ethnic group called the "Yorubas" in western Nigeria. I grew up in England b4 coming to live in the states, and I think this is a BULLSHIT mentallity. I feel my in-laws are being hypocritical bcos if I treated their daughter the same way my parents treat me they wouldn't be...(cont)

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