Sunday, August 14, 2011

Attacking prophet muhammed?

Don't mistake criticism with attacking. People should be free to criticise in a healthy way. When people feel strongly about something, they should be free to say what's on their mind. That's called freedom of speech. If you gag everybody, the anger and frustration will build up inside, only to explode in a violent way sooner or later. That's why healthy dialogue is important. People should be allowed to say what's on their mind. There's no need to get emotional and all riled up when people say unkind things about the prophet. You don't expect everybody to feel the same way as you do about the prophet. He's not everybody's prophet. Anyway, what is there for you to get emotional about? Don't you have faith in god? Isn't god powerful enough to silence his critics, if He wants to? Does he need you to do it for him? Are you god's agent or something? I mean, seriously!

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