Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What should i do? were so different morally. help!?

my bf an i have been together going on 6 months. in the beginning we were a awesome couple. we were from different social levels but we clicked when we found out both of us cut ouselves. that fact was like our glue. we also clicked cuz i kept him outta trouble an he was like my dream guy. i had always wanted a bad guy on the outside but sweet guy on the inside. he was so bad but i loved it. he would skip cl and smoke weed or he would rebel an not do his homework. i loved his confidence. but that was then now all that gets on my nerves. i want him to stop smokin weed. he says he has but i can tell he still smokes. im also tired of all the PDA. i dont like gettin in trouble or really even being touched but he insists on kissin in the halls at school an huggin. an recently his started talkin bout since we gradutate in two weeks us movin in together. i was cool with it at first but ive thought bout it an i dont like the idea partially cuz i feel its wrong since we arent married an cause im the only one even tryin to find a job so we can live comfortably. when i told him i didnt wanna move in unless we were married he started talkin bout gettin married. then something told me to ask him a question bout me. the question was what happened to my sister? (she died in a car wreck when we were young) its a big deal for me. he didnt know. i asked him several other questions an he didnt know hardly any of them. that really bothered me. it got me thinkin wether or not hes in the relationship for me or is he just usin me? an another thing that bothers me is how he wants me to smoke with him. he knows i dont like it yet he wants me to try it an risk me gettin addicted. i feel like if someone really cares they wouldnt want me doin drugs. idk what to do. i feel the facts are tellin me to break up with him that i can do better but something else is tellin me to stay with him cuz God put us together for a reason. idk. i need some advice.

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