Monday, August 15, 2011

Everyone needs him more than I do, so I told him he shouldn't be with me. Was that wrong?

Truthfully, and with no offense, it sounds like you're being slightly pive aggressive and taking out your feelings of jealousy on him. In a relationship you want to believe that you and your significant other are the only ones who share a special bond but often people share bonds with good friends and these non-romantic bonds can inspire resentment. If someone goes to him with serious problems that makes you think that he shares something special with that person, which he does, it's friendship. If you're possessiveness gets the better of you that can distance you two or make him feel claustrophobic, neither of which help any relationship. Consider the special bond you share with him despite any other people and take that into account before you decide to get back together or leave him forever. If YOU feel there is still something there that's all that matters because he obviously feels something for you. Good luck.

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