Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why do I have so many issues with my parents?

WOW! If my 15 year old son did just 3 of things on your list, I would consider myself lucky! Maybe your mom is under pressure and doesn't know how to handle it. It's hard to believe that she doesn't appreciate the things you do. You sound like a mature, responsible young person and I give you a plus for holding down a job while attending school and maintaining your own cell phone bill. That is commendable. I think you have to approach your mom like an adult. First take the time to write down all the things that are wrong. Write down all the things you do to help out. What you want to do is PERSUADE her to see things your way. You can probably get better feedback from her if you just talk to her like an adult and not an irate teenager. You are doing adult things so you can talk like an adult to her. Good luck!

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