Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How much for being rear ended with injuries?

2 weeks ago, I was pulled off on the side of the road with my hazards on making a phone call. I was legally pulled over with my seat belt on, I live in new york, cell phones are illegal while driveing. I was rear ended by a 76 yr old woman doing about 40 mph. A witness (who was behind her) said she just drifted into me, making no attempt to pull over. I slammed my head on the steering wheel, broke a part of the wheel with my hand, & hurt my back and neck. After i went to the hospital, i was told i outstretched the muscles in my back, got a bad concussion, bruised the tendons in my hand, and pulled a muscle in my neck. I am meeting with my mothers attorney in a week to discuss pain suffering/bodily injuries. What amount should I be looking for? Ive been out of work for 2 weeks, have had a constent headache for 2 weeks, cant go to the gym for a month, need physical therapy for my neck and back, and have missed school, 4 times in two weeks. Thanks for the help!!!

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