Wednesday, August 10, 2011

He is going to flip out?

missed some days of the pill, chart my cycles too so i thought i was fine. Pregnancy test just came back positive. (5 days past my missed period). I know he will flip- I have an 8 year old from a previous relationship and a 13 month old with him. He's expressed he probably never wants more kids- and after a year of birth control- only time he ever mentioned it was in the middle of on the night i most likely got pregnant he said, "are you still taking your pills?" (how ironic). Anyways.. we live with my grandparents, he works full time and I take care of grandparents as well as am a full time college student- with two years left to get my bachelors. THis is going to put my school on hold for a year- since most likely ill be due in Nov- missing both semesters of school. (fall/winter). How do I tell him? When do I tell him? I'm so sad- i know i screwed up, but also know this baby will be a blessing.. (cont....)

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