Thursday, August 11, 2011

Has anyone tried the vegan rice cheese slices from galaxy nutritional foods?

Ok so i gave up awhile ago on the whole vegan cheese thing because every kind I got tasted absolutely horrible and I ended up just wasting more money than anything because it isn't exactly cheap either. My local giant was just rebuild and remodeled with a HUGE vegan section(compared to what they had before anyway.) and they sell the vegan rice cheese slices made by galaxy. I was wondering, before i waste another $4 on veg cheese that may end up in the garbage again, if anyone here has tried it and what are your opinions? Is it anything like the veggie slices? I used to eat that, way back in the day, and it didn't bother me at all. I thought the tofutti cheese slices and the vegan gourmet were really bad though. Any opinions will be welcomed, my curiousity has been getting the best of me so I will probably just pick up a pack next time i hit the store, I just don't want to be dissapointed again. Thanks guys!

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