Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A confusion I have about Space-Time is that Time is considered to be the fourth dimension of Space. I think...

that they co-exist in separate, but perfect symmetry. I think that Time is its own entity, even though it may rely on Space for certain things like a dimension of Space, I also think that Space can rely on Time. I believe, under no scientific evidence, that when Space acts, Time mirrors, and vice versa. I think that when Space freezes, Time freezes, and when Space accelerates, Time accelerates. Like cryogenics, freezing things, which preserves them for longer periods of Time. I know that may not seem like it has anything to do with Time or that it might be affecting the material of Time, but I think it does. You see, when Space becomes frozen, following all the laws of physics; I think Time has to freeze, while following all the laws of physics. Einstein said that in order to travel Time, you must reach the speed of light. Light and heat are directly related. I don’t know if ever an object were to reach the speed of light in a vacuum, it would get hotter or not, but I think it would.

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